A few helpful hints when using Love admin….
Your Loveadmin account user name is set up with the email address that you provided us with initially (so if you aren’t sure whether it is you or your partner’s email address then please email me on hsc@horshamsportsclub.com to check.)
If you are logging on for the first time you will need to set up a password.
If you need to fill in any mandatory fields (marked with a red *) then you will need to do this first and press save before being able to proceed to the payment screen – most existing members have already done this, but some of you still need to fill in a few details for our records. You may also need to fill in mandatory fields for any other people linked to your email address (eg for other children in the family who are members, or if you are also members of the tennis or the social sections)
If we have emailed you with a request for payment, eg for junior cricket subs, then the amount payable will automatically show up. If you are selecting an ‘optional extra’ such as match fee books or indoor training, then you will need to select what you want to buy before it will show as a payment owing. Optional extras can be found under the Payments tab at the top menu bar
When you reach the payment screen you will be able to pay by any of the following methods
- Paypal (If you don’t already have a Paypal account please do not feel obliged to create one as you can pay online by credit card or bank transfer methods outlined below. The payment window is very sneaky as it doesn’t make this clear)
- Credit or Debit Card (Note that It seems to be that if you already have a Paypal account but have decided to pay by card on this occasion it seems you can’t do the card payment using a credit or debit card that is already linked to that Paypal account btw.)
- ‘Go Cardless’ – this is in effect a Direct Debit from your bank and takes up to 5 working days to set up and go through (we see it as ‘payment pending’ in our admin so know that it is on its way, but it won’t come out of your account for a few days) You can do it as a one-off set up and repeat the same process next time you want to pay for subs or match fees, or you can ‘pre authorise’ the Go Cardless payments to make it quicker and more straight forward in future. Please be assured that we won’t take any future money unless you initiate a payment when we send you the renewal invitation (or for junior cricket members, if we offer you optional extras such as indoor nets or courses.) You can also cancel this pre authorisation at any time.
For some people the payment portal works like clockwork, for others it seems to be a bit of a nightmare! When the Loveadmin servers are busy the pages seem to take a while to load, so please bear with it, and all the details should appear after a short delay…and they do have a known issue (that they are working on) whereby people get a blank screen just as they thought they had got to the final screen or they get a message saying they can’t access their Paypal for 8 hours (this is to prevent accidental double payment).
If you’ve tried the system and had a problem please contact Clare in the club office on hsc@horshamsportsclub.com or by ringing the club office during normal office hours on 01403 254628 (if we closed due to Covid-19 we can’t answer calls but can reply to emails)