This is my 3rd year as TD and I’m pleased to report another successful Club Championships and another increase in member participation up another 13% to 76 members entering 1 or more of the 6 tournaments. This year 75 matches were played with 14 walk overs, 4 due to injury the rest were forfeits due to matches not played and no contact with the TD. We also expanded the Championships to include 3 new plate competitions for MS, MD and XD, unfortunately there were not enough entrants to hold a plate competition for all tournaments. Plate competitions allow first round losers to enter another draw thus guaranteeing at least 2 matches for all.Prizes this year were also increased and expanded to include trophies for the plate competition winners, and as part of the drive to make the finals day a special event for all club members and spectators, all finalists that turn up to the presentation ceremony after the last match on finals day collected a tin of new balls and a re-string discount voucher donated by Sandy Miller ProStringer.As in previous years the number of ladies entering the Championships was disappointingly low. Next years entry will open (as always) beginning of May 2020.