- Club Closure from 9pm Fri 20th March We regret to inform all our members and loyal customers that following recent developments in the advice from the UK government we will be temporarily closing all club facilities as of 9pm this evening (Fri 20th March). More info to follow in due course – we will be updating Twitter, Facebook and the website and […] March 20, 2020
- The Big Gig – Covid-19 update 20/3/20 Hey Big Giggers, We want to update you with where we’re at with The Big Gig 2020 Music Festival, in relation to the current coronavirus situation. We are following government guidelines and are constantly reviewing updates, and as it stands, we are still hoping that The Big Gig 2020 will be able to go ahead […] March 20, 2020
- HSC and Covid19 update – 18/3/20 Covid19 – Update on all Club Activities (18/03/20) Today we have taken a hard look at the club operation and put into place the early stages of a plan that is primarily orientated towards the safety of our membership and staff and secondarily towards the survival of the club. We continue to monitor and follow […] March 18, 2020
- Covid19 – Your health and that of the club Tuesday 10th March 2020 Here at Horsham Sports Club the health and safety of our members as well as our staff are our top priority. We continue to monitor the situation with the coronavirus (Covid-19) closely and would like to ask you all for your cooperation by following the developing guidelines below that we are […] March 10, 2020
- Junior Cricket – Spin Bowling and Fielding Drills Mark Nash has kindly shared a series of spin bowling drills with us – plus two fielding fitness sessions. All are available as downloadable pdfs below… March 10, 2020
- Junior Cricket DM weekly tip sheets Back in March 2020 Dave kindly agreed to share his CH weekly cricket tip sheets with the juniors at HCC – click on the download buttons to view any of them…the most recent ones appear at the top of the list. (New updates for 2021 are now being added) Enjoy! March 9, 2020
All the latest news about what's been happening at Horsham Sports Club recently.