
Horsham Lawn Tennis Club


MEMBERS should log into their ‘MyCourts’ account to book a court.


‘Pay and Play’ for non-members is available to book (subject to availability) by ringing the club during office hours only (Mon-Fri 9-5pm). Non-members may book up to 48 hours in advance.

Members may bring guests and pay the appropriate guest fee.

Welcome to Horsham Lawn Tennis Club

Cricketfield Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1TE

Our facilities

5 all-weather hard courts, all floodlit, that can be used up to 10pm each day. Tokens for the floodlight meters can be purchased from the club office or bar. The cost of a token is £2.50 for 30 minutes.

4 grass courts, which are used from May to September, 11am to dusk, weather permitting. During peak times of summer, it is likely that 1 or 2 grass courts will be rested for a week to allow the grass to recover. Non-members are not permitted to play on the grass courts.

A practice wall is available at all times that court no.1 is not being used.

There are showers and changing facilities in the main clubhouse and we have parking on site (available whilst you are using the club facilities). Tennis members are automatically social members of Horsham Sports Club and receive discount on drinks as well as other benefits.

Junior and adult coaching is available to members and non members – individual and group options. See the coaching page here for more details.

For re-stringing enquiries please contact Garry Bugler m: 07887 743762.

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